post of the week

    трудно сказать, что именно делает эту ночь хуже предыдущих.
    то ли шампанское, то ли воздух, пропитанный дешевым алкоголем и чем-то более тяжелым, густым, оседающим в легких с каждым вдохом. может быть смог от машин, может пыль в воздухе, а может -

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    apotropaic magic


    is a type of magic intended to turn away harm or evil influences, as in deflecting misfortune or averting the evil eye. Apotropaic observances may also be practiced out of superstition or out of tradition, as in good luck charms (perhaps some token on a charm bracelet), amulets, or gestures such as crossed fingers or knocking on wood. Many different objects and charms were used for protection throughout history.

    6 538 гостевая #3
    Сегодня 17:53:43 - Zerr Marshall

    black magic

    о мире

    The influence of popular culture has allowed other practices to be drawn in under the broad banner of black magic, including the concept of Satanism. While the invocation of demons or spirits is an accepted part of black magic, this practice is distinct from the worship or deification of such spiritual beings. The two are usually combined in medieval beliefs about witchcraft.

    7 19 сюжетные ситуации
    21.03.2025 23:42:15 - oddinary

    ceremonial magic


    encompasses a wide variety of rituals of magic. The works included are characterized by ceremony and numerous requisite accessories to aid the practitioner. It can be seen as an extension of ritual magic, and in most cases synonymous with it. Popularized by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, it draws on such schools of philosophical and occult thought as Hermetic Qabalah, Enochian magic, Thelema, and the magic of various grimoires. Ceremonial magic is part of Hermeticism and Western esotericism.

    (Модераторы: trickster)
    3 898 хочу к вам
    Вчера 23:07:27 - Peach Blossom

    chaos magic


    is a modern tradition of magic. Emerging in England in the 1970s as part of the wider neo-pagan and esoteric subculture, it drew heavily from the occult beliefs of artist Austin Osman Spare, expressed several decades earlier. It has been characterised as an invented religion, with some commentators drawing similarities between the movement and Discordianism. Magical organizations within this tradition include the Illuminates of Thanateros and Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth.

    1 3 шаблон анкеты
    24.10.2024 00:12:17 - Holly Patel


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    is a type of symbol used in magic. The term usually refers to a pictorial signature of a deity or spirit (such as an angel or demon). In modern usage, especially in the context of chaos magic, a sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioner's desired outcome.

    (Модераторы: trickster)
    30 29081 реклама #30
    Сегодня 17:03:50 - pr

    sympathetic magic


    is a type of magic based on imitation or correspondence. Imitation involves using effigies, fetishes, or poppets to affect the environment of people, or people themselves. Voodoo dolls are an example of fetishes used in this way: the practitioner uses a lock of hair on the doll to create a link (also known as a "taglock") between the doll and the donor of this lock of hair. In this way, that which happens to the doll will also happen to the person.

    36 522 VHS_cross
    Сегодня 13:54:11 - pr

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